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We would like to invite you to a small workshop at the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado, USA, May 16-18, 2016, to discuss SPRING, the Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group. SPRING is a new network of solar synoptic observing instruments aimed at providing operational data for space weather, as well as scientific data for solar research in general with emphasis on multi-wavelength, multi-height observations of solar velocity, vector magnetic fields, and intensity. Operational data would include high-cadence magnetic field observations, intensity images in a variety of wavelengths, far-side images from helioseismology, and eruptive filament dynamics.
Scientific goals are
Discussion topics include concepts for the instruments, the balance between space weather and solar physics, funding strategies, schedule, observing concepts, international organization, etc. A preliminary science requirements study is underway as a work package of the framework SOLARNET, an Integrated Activity (IA) funded by the European Union Capacities Program under Framework Program 7, at Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik. When complete, this study will open an opportunity for proposing SPRING for European funding. The time is also right for submitting a similar proposal to US funding agencies due to a recently released National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan (https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/10/28/enhancing-national-preparedness-space-weather-events). A poster describing SPRING and the current version of the Science Requirements document is attached. A major goal of the meeting will be to organize tasks and writing assignments for the proposals.
Frank Hill
National Solar Observatory
3665 Discovery Drive,
Boulder, CO 80303
Session: Background
Session: Instrumental concepts
Session: Background
Session: Scientific goals
Session: Background
Session: Instrumental concepts
Session: Document preparation
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Kevin | Reardon | National Solar Observatory |
Alfred | de Wijn | NCAR |