Gyula, Hungary
University of Sheffield (USFD), Hungarian Solar Physics Foundation (HSPF) and Gyula Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory (GSO)
Current high-resolution ground- and space-based observations have provided an unprecedented new insight into the physical processes in the solar atmosphere. Highly localized waves, oscillations and wide range of dynamic processes from instabilities and jets have been observed at the best available spectral, temporal and spatial resolutions. At the same time, our theoretical understanding -whether numerical or analytical- has also advanced thanks to the latest mathematical techniques and numerical tools developed and applied to describing the dynamics of the solar atmosphere.
The aim of this School is to update the ESRs (i.e. early-stage researchers, e.g. PhD students and PDRAs) on the latest advances made in observations, theory and numerical techniques of solar atmospheric dynamics. With the availability yielded by new instrument suits both in space and on the ground, solar theory will be more challenging to model these dynamical processes for exploring solar magnetism from the photosphere to the low corona at yet unforeseen small spatial, temporal and spectral scales.
The aim will be achieved by the objectives of delivering the attendees: i) an update on the state-of-the-art of solar atmospheric dynamics research and ii) a forum where their results can be discussed in an informal but constructive environment.
The School is intended to have an introduction to solar theory (both analytical and numerical) and observations of the relevant physics of small-scale solar atmospheric dynamics.
During the School, on-site practice of taking daily solar synoptic data and their analysis will also be carried out at the Gyula Bay Zoltán Solar Observatory (GSO) with their Solar Activity Magnetic Monitor (SAMM) magneto-optical filter (MOF) based facility in order to offer the students a direct and real experience of working with solar data.
The anticipated number of participants for these training schools is around 25 participants due to the limited logistics. It is expected that all participating ESRs will also deliver a short presentation on their research results. Preference for selection of ESRs will be given to those who express willingness to deliver a talk. Partial funding will be provided to support organizational costs and travel expenses (including accommodation) for ESRs and invited speakers.
SOLARNET has received funding from European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 824135.
Marianna Korsós (chair), Balázs Asztalos, Bernadett Belucz, Robertus Erdélyi, János Temesváry, Szabolcs Soós, Noémi Kinga Zsámberger
Robertus Erdélyi (chair, USFD and HSPF/GSO), Peter Gömöry (AISAS), Chris Nelson (ESA), Jiajia Liu (USTC), Francesca Zuccarello (UNICT)
Monday 16 June, 17:30 onwards: Welcome Reception. Open fire joint cooking of Hungarian "Goulash and Stew Paprikas"
Tuesday 17 June, 18:00-20:00: Laserfight (The description is only in Hungarian )
Wednesday 18 June, 18:00-19:00: Gyula Aquapark (hot springs, thermal bath)
Thursday 19 June, 15:30-18:30: Visit Weckheim Castle, Szabadkígyós
Thursday 19 June, 19:00 onwards: Conference Candle Dinner in Almásy Mension Roof Terrace (if it rains, dinner will be a medieval-style one in the medieval kitchen/dining room of the mension)
Friday 20 June: Departure at own free time, given that reaching Budapest may take about 5-6 hrs. No formal activitie/catering are scheduled.
Prof Mihalis Mathioudakis (QUB)
Prof Temury Zaqarashvili (U. of Graz)
Dr Marianna Korsos (U of Catania)
Dr Chris Nelson (ESA)
1. Step: To register your interest for the SOLARNET school "Solar atmospheric dynamics - From waves to instabilities and jets", please
• send a maximum of two-page CV (strictly pdf),
• send a concise list of your refereed publications (strictly pdf),
• send a brief statement of interest (max 1/2 page, also in pdf) indicating your field of research and why you would like to participate in the school,
• indicate your gender and willingness of sharing, since accommodation is provided mostly in shared rooms (bedroom with two separate beds),
by email to Robertus Erdélyi (Email: including all the above requested information latest by 17 March, 2023.
2. Step: The SOC of the School will evaluate all the submitted applications and will select 20-25 candidates.
3. Step: Applicants will be contacted by 31 of March, 2023 about the outcome.
Accommodation will be provided at the Guest Houses of the Council of Gyula city (48 Béke Avenue, Guyla and 2 SzentLászló Street, Gyula). More information about the accommodation will be provided later.
Travel guide about how to reach Gyula will be available later.
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