ISSI Team Meetings
Studies of the Deep Solar Meridional Flow - 2 Free Conference is closed
Conference is closed
Hosted by Markus Roth
Affiliation Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg
Bern, Switzerland
03.07.2017 - 07.07.2017

Organizing institutions

Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg, Germany

University Stanford, USA

Main category Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Conference/Workshop objectives

The meridional flow inside the Sun is a large-scale flow that is observed on both hemispheres of the Sun. Its structure and variation inside the Sun is of major interest as it transports mass, angular momentum and magnetic flux. Therefore, a detailed knowledge is required to understand the magneto-hydrodynamics of the Sun's convection zone and consequently the Sun's magnetic variability.

Recently, the helioseismic measurement of this flow throughout the whole convection zone of the Sun has made significant progress by the development of improved methods in form of time-distance helioseismology (Zhao et al., 2013, ApJ Lett, 774, L29) and new approaches in global helioseismology (Schad et al., (2013, ApJ Lett, 778, L38). Techniques developed earlier based on tracking supergranulation provide a complementary view on the meridional flow (Hathaway, 2012, ApJ 760, 84). These and further studies (e.g. Jackiewicz et al., 2015, ApJ, 805, 133) reveal that the meridional flow has a possible multi-cellular structure in latitude and depth. Furthermore, there are indications that this flow varies during the solar activity cycle. However, a final consensus on the structure and temporal evolution of the flow has not been achieved, especially as the signal is weak and affected by noise and systematic effects. Estimating the latter properly and deciding on the physical constraints on the inversions is important as those can alter the result significantly (Rajaguru and Antia, 2015, ApJ, 813, 114).

During the past years where the groups involved have worked independently on analysing various available data sets, it has become evident that it requires the inspiring atmosphere of ISSI to make progress on this important topic of solar physics. With this in mind, we have created a team consisting of all scientists active in this field who have indicated their great interest in such an international collaborative effort. These researchers bring in their expertise on methods of time series analysis, helioseismic inversion methods as well as theoretical and numerical modelling of the interaction of the acoustic wave field with the meridional flow. This team would focus on coordinated studies on validating helioseismic methods, joint analysis of existing data sets, and further development of techniques in order to understand the origin of possible discrepancies between the methods. It is the ultimate goal to provide the best possible estimate on the structure and temporal variability of the Sun's meridional flow and its role in the solar dynamo process. Consequently, the results of this international effort will find direct application in the modelling of the solar dynamo, resulting in a better understanding of the Sun's magnetic activity.

The team consisting of 12 renowned experts and 2 young scientists would meet twice in 2015 and 2016. The team leaders are Markus Roth (Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik, Freiburg) and Junwei Zhao (co-leader, University Stanford).

Local organizing committee

The meeting is organized locally by the International Space Science Institute in Bern, Switzerland.

Scientific organizing committee (SOC)

Markus Roth (KIS)
Junwei Zhao (Stanford)

  • Main Session
Invited speakers

H.M. Antia (Mumbai)

Vincent Böning (Freiburg)

Ruizhu Chen (Stanford)

Dean-Yi Chou (Taiwan)

Jason Jackiewicz (Las Cruces)

Emanuel Hecht (Freiburg)

Chia Lin (Taiwan)

Paul S. Rajaguru (Bangalore)

Markus Roth (Freiburg)

Ariane Schad (Freiburg)

Jesper Schou (Göttingen)

Junwei Zhao (Stanford)

Important dates

Hotel reservation should be done until June 16, 2017.

Registration and payment information

The meeting is on invitation only. 
There is no registration fee.

Conference venue

International Space Science Institute, Berne, Switzerland

Hotel information

A block reservation of rooms will be made by the team at ISSI.

Travel information

Bern can be easily reached by public transport.

By plane: 
A nearby big international airport is Zurich.

Bern itself has an airport, too

By train:
Bern is well connected to the fast inter-European trains. 




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Markus Roth

Session: Main Session

Date of upload:
This is my welcome presentation
Paul Rajaguru

Session: Main Session

Date of upload:
H.M. Antia
We present results on travel time measurements for different frequencies through Gaussian frequency filtering of time-distance cross-correlation signals. We show that the center-to-limb systematics inferred through WE travel time measurements have a dominant frequency dependence, peaking at about 4 mHz. The subtraction of such travel times from the NS travel times leads to a strong frequency dependence in the resulting meridional flow signals too thus yielding flow structures dependent on frequency. In particular, we find multiple-cell structure for frequencies above 3.7 mHz.
Paul Rajaguru

Session: Main Session

Date of upload:
H.M. Antia, S.M. Hanasoge, K. Mondal
Inversions for solar meridional flows from frequency dependent travel times are presented. Born approximation kernels for meridional flows and tests on model flows are also presented.
Vincent Böning

Session: Main Session

Date of upload:
Markus Roth, Jason Jackiewicz, Shukur Kholikov
The solar meridional flow is a crucial ingredient to modern dynamo theory. Seismic estimates of this flow have, however, been contradictory in deeper layers below about 0.9Rsun. Results from time-distance helioseismology have so far been obtained using the ray approximation. Here, we perform inversions using the Born approximation. The initial result is similar to the result previously obtained using ray kernels by Jackiewicz et al. (2015), while using the same set of GONG data and the SOLA inversion technique. However, we show that the assumption of uncorrelated measurements used in earlier studies may lead to inversion errors being underestimated by a factor of about 2 - 4. In a second step, refined inversions are performed using the full covariance matrix and a regularization for cross-talk. As the results are found to depend on the threshold used in the singular value decomposition, they were obtained for a medium threshold (10^−7 to 10^−5 , about 50% of values used) and a threshold lower by a factor of 10 (about 70% of values used). The result obtained with the medium threshold is again similar to the original, with less latitudinal variation. However, using the lower threshold, the inverted flow in the southern hemisphere shows two or three cells stacked radially depending on the associated radial flows. Both the single-cell and the multi-cell profile are consistent with the measured travel times. All our results confirm a shallow return flow at about 0.9Rsun. Corresponding paper to appear in ApJ.
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