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Event Processing symposium
Co-located with the Gartner Event Processing Summit
The Event processing market, the customers' perspective, Work Group Reports, Use Cases Presentations (1.Fraud Detection Scenario, 2. Real-Time Data Stream Analytical Pub/Sub System, 3. Aspects of Performance monitoring within a Mobile Operator, 4. Inform and direct first responders and people at risk in case of an incident, 5. Preservation and Maintenance Facility Safety, 6. Internalization and Alternative Trading Venues), the Technology of Event processing, Event Processing Research, Standards, some topics to think about.
EPTS Steering Committee
EPTS Steering Committee
Pedro Bizarro (Uni Coimbra Portugal)
Nenad Stojanovic (FZI Karlsruhe)
Alex Kozlenkov and David Jeffrey (Betfair London)
Rainer v. Ammon (CITT Regensburg)
Guy Sharon (IBM Haifa)
Paul Vincent (Tibco London)
Opher Etzion (IBM Haifa)
Arno Jacobsen (Uni Toronto)
Stamford, Connecticut, September 17-19, 2008
Hilton Stamford Hotel, One First Stamford Place, Stamford, CT 06902, Phone: 1-203-967-2222 OR 1-866-424-1266
Session: Introduction – agenda and goals for the meeting
Session: Session I: The Event processing market
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session IV: Use Cases Presentations
Session: Session V: The Technology of Event processing
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Introduction – agenda and goals for the meeting
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Introduction – agenda and goals for the meeting
Session: Introduction – agenda and goals for the meeting
Session: Session II: the customers' perspective
Session: Session III: Work Group Reports
Session: Session V: The Technology of Event processing
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Session VII: Standards
Session: Session VII: Standards
Session: Session VIII: Closing session
Session: Session VI: Event Processing Research
Session: Session I: The Event processing market
Session: Introduction – agenda and goals for the meeting
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |