Connecting Brain Computer Interface Technology with Ubiquitous CEP – Aspects of New Applications in the Fields of Biology, Brain Research and Medicine
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Computer Sciences (Artificial intelligence)
Outline (to be replaced by abstract in the final paper, Springer style) 1. Why connecting BCI with U-CEP? 2. BCI as interface to and from the brain 3. The role of U-CEP 4. Infrastructure for connecting BCI and U-CEP: Body Area Networks and Wearable Technologies 5. The appropriate computing power - cognitive computing chips, combining digital ‘neurons’ and ‘synapses’ 5. New applications based on connecting BCI and U-CEP 6. BrainPort technology 7. CN-NINM technology 8. Example “Depression (or another example)”: Defining biomarkers, event modelling of biosensors as event sources and process modelling for influencing the protein-machinery
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