Disease modelling, biomarkers and virtual physiology - the role of jcpex! and U-CEP
Main category
Computer Sciences (Artificial intelligence)
Alternative category
Engineering (Biomedical Engineering)
The vision of this paper is to bring together a team of biologists and from medicine regarding the definition of biomarkers with specialists of process or event modelling methodology to implement such biomarkers and with IT specialists of Ubiquitous Complex Event Processing of accordant real-time processing platforms for a tremendous vast amount of events or signals per second. In the final paper we will combine and transfer the process modelling approach based on the example of the THESEUS project jcpex! [??, http://theseusprogramm.de/en/936.php] with the U-CEP idea as discussed in this workshop series. A human body is actually a collaboration of around 50 or more trillion cells which do event processing and collaborating via the receptors of the cell membrane and the related effectors which “manage” or control the processes of a protein machinery. To model and control the event processing of specific biomarkers can be the basis to avoid and heal diseases. Especially interesting are the dynamic aspects of a not strongly fixed and in advance defined collaboration of processes. The processes can be combined dynamically as it is perhaps also typical in the fields of biology and medicine. This also includes the aspects of Uncertainty modeling as also mentioned in Ch. 5 of the VPH-FET roadmap.
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