Kepler observation of HD 176465, a binary system with overlapping pulsation frequencies
New York University Abu Dhabi
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Binary stars systems are crucial to better understand the physics of stars, because they might share a common history, enabling us to assume that they have the same age and composition. Furthermore, using the Kepler laws, the orbital parameters could provide tight constraints on their mass ratio. With the recent advent of asteroseismology it is also now possible to look for pulsating multiple stars, providing a new insight on their internal structure and dynamics. Yet, while 60% of stars are thought to be part of multiple system, only a handful were detected with more than one component showing pulsations. I present one of these rare cases, HD 176465. It is composed of two bright stars situated at 49.6±1.8pc, that show pulsations at a similar frequency νmax3500 μHz. In this poster, I describe our seismic analysis of the system, show the orbits of the stars, discuss their rotations and fundamental physical properties (masses, radii, ages, compositions), derived using various stellar models.
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