Kiepenheuer Institute for Solar Physics, Freiburg
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Halo formation in realistic 3D MHD simulations
Thaler I., Vigeesh G., Roth, M.
Since the first discovery of acoustic halos around magnetic regions by
(Brown 1992, Toner and LaBonte 1993) many observational and
theoretical studies have been undertaken to better understand this
phenomena. The currently most accepted theory for its formation is the
refraction of fast magnetic waves in the solar atmosphere, which
then leads to the observed power access in doppler velocity maps
compared to the quiet sun (Khomenko & Collados 2009, e.g. Rijs 2016).
Along with that we want to investigate if we can confirm these results
using non-linearized wave propagation through a sunspot stripe in fully
convective 3D MHD simulations using the STAGGER code.
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