NSO, Tucson, AZ, USA
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Natural Sciences (Physics)
SOLIS stands for Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun. Daily fulldisk magnetic
fields measurements of the Sun are being done for several decades at NSO Kittpeak. The
SOLIS/VSM instrument replaced earlier instruments at Kitt Peak. The current SOLIS/VSM
instrument has capability to make full Stokes polarimetry in photospheric lines, however, for
chromosphere only longitudinal polarimetry exists. With the recent progress in non-LTE
inversions of the chromospheric spectra it was decided that a full Stokes polarimeter needs to
be developed. Based on similar design to photospheric modulator we have developed a
separate modulator for chromospheric full Stokes measurements using Ca II 854.2 nm line.
We will present design and performance of the new modulator and possibly sample
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