The small scale magnetic elements on the photosphere: a turbulent story
Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Main category
Natural Sciences (Physics)
The study of the dynamics of the photosphere allow us to investigate the physical processes occurring in both the interior of the Sun and in the higher layers of the solar atmosphere due the magnetic coupling between the photosphere and the corona. This field concerns many basic stellar processes such as: global dynamo, turbulent convection and super-hot corona. We report on the recent results on the transport of small scale magnetic field by advection/diffusion as seen on different data-sets from ground-based and space telescopes. We compare those results with simplified advective models that mimic the motion scales observed on the solar surface. We will digress on how the advection of the smallest magnetic elements on the solar surface can affects the toroidal-to-poloidal conversion in the solar cycle, orr how it can be used to estimate the possible nano-flare contribution to the coronal heating.
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