High-resolution Ca II 8542 observations of an M-class solar flare
M. Collados
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
An M3.2 flare was observed in 2013 May 17 with the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT, Tenerife, Spain) at a heliocentric angle of 0.8. The observations covered the activation, impulsive, and relaxation phases of the flare. This work is an extension of the already published work from Kuckein et al. (2015, ApJL,799, L25), which was based on photospheric changes during this flare. In this work, we concentrate on the changes in the chromosphere, analyzing the Ca II 8542 line during the M-class flare. Large emission peaks are present during the flare and relaxation phases. Strong asymmetries of the intensity profiles are detected in the red wing during the flare, which indicates strong downflows. Temperatures and velocities were inferred from selected profiles using the inversion code NICOLE. Our results add to the few earlier studies concerning flare observations in the Ca II infrared line. Observing flares from ground-based telescopes is very challenging. Recommendations about instrumentation will be presented including possible strategies for flare observations with the European Solar Telescope (EST) in the chromosphere.
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