MPI for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Hale’s polarity laws for sunspot groups, the helioseismic determination of differential rotation
in the convection zone, and the success of surface flux transport models in reproducing the
observed evolution of large-scale solar surface fields, together with a simple mathematical
argument, yield compelling evidence that the large-scale solar dynamo operates according to
the scenario originally envisaged by H.W. Babcock and R. Leighton in the 1960s. The polar
fields represent THE poloidal flux from which the toroidal flux emerging in sunspot groups is
wound up by (mainly latitudinal) differential rotation. The polar fields themselves result from
tilted sunspot groups while small-scale magnetic features ("turbulence") do not provide a
significant contribution.
Further reading
R.H. Cameron and M. Schüssler, Science, 347, 1333 (2015)
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