Recent advances of INAF small telescopes for synoptic observations
INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
We describe the ongoing upgrade of the INAF small telescopes providing full-disc observations at various bands of the visible spectrum of the Sun, specifically of the Catania, Rome-PSPT, and VAMOS telescopes. The acquisition system of the former has been updated to provide observations in the Hα line with pixel scale of 1” and cadence up to 24 images per sec, whose quality and format allow easy exploitation of the Lucky-imaging and flare detection techniques developed within the SPRING project. The update of the control system of the PSPT is also under study to ensure the continuation of the time series of Ca II K and continuum observations started 25 years ago. Finally, the opto-mechanical layout of the VAMOS telescope has been revised to improve the spatial resolution of the Dopplergrams, magnetograms, and intensity images obtained with potassium MOF cells at a 25 cm aperture telescope.
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