First insights into the applicability and importance of different 3D magnetic field extrapolation approaches for studying the pre-eruptive conditions
University of Catania
Main category
Natural Sciences (Physics)
The three-dimensional (3D) coronal magnetic field has not yet been directly observed. However, for a better understanding and prediction of magnetically-driven solar eruptions, 3D models of solar active regions are required. This work aims to provide insight into the significance of different 3D extrapolation models for flare prediction purposes, employing potential field (PF), linear force-free field (LFFF), nonlinear force-free field (NLFFF) models, and a neural network-based method integrating observational data and NLFFF physics.
The 3D coronal magnetic field structure of a "flaring" (AR11166) and "flare-quiet" (AR12645) active region, in terms of their flare productivity, is constructed via the four extrapolation methods. To analyse the evolution of the field, six prediction parameters were employed throughout, from the photosphere up to the base of the lower corona.
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