Ubiquitous Complex Event Processing in Exocortex Applications - uCepCortex
ICT Proposers’ Day, Warsaw September 26-27, 2012
Main category
Computer Sciences (Artificial intelligence)
The main idea of the uCepCortex project is to enhance human abilities by a complex cognitive system which adds and supplements senses and integrates the information of these senses for an optimal output, thereby overcoming the limitations of the human brain. Its typical limitations are: the amount of events that can be processed at any one time: The human brain can only process around 120.000 events per second unconsciously and less than ten consciously; the number of event types we can consciously integrate at any one time: integrating of multiple information sources requires tracking, memorizing and retrieving of past, recent and current events; the performance and scalability of the event processing and the correlation of actually meaningless basic events to senseful complex events; the sensitivity ranges (modalities) of the five senses what a human can hear, see, smell, taste and feel; the degeneration of the number and the sensitivity of senses: loss or damage due to aging, illness or accident and the feasibility and manageability is missing to substitute or add additional senses.
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