Magnetic Reconnection in Relativistic Jets and Accretion Flows around Black Holes
IAG - Universidade de São Paulo
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Relativistic jets and accretion disks from Black Hole (BH) sources, such as active galaxies, are among the most extreme particle accelerators known, producing very high energy emission. Only recently have we begun to comprehend the prevailing physical processes near these BHs, thanks to the combination of theory, numerical simulations, and observations. These investigations aim to solve significant enigmas, such as the origin of gamma-ray flares and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. Within the inner regions of these BH sources, magnetic fields play a dominant role, and magnetic reconnection emerges as a highly plausible, if not the sole, mechanism responsible for accelerating particles to extreme energies. In this presentation, I will focus on magnetic reconnection driven by turbulence surrounding BH sources. Our latest findings, based on three-dimensional global magnetohydrodynamic relativistic simulations and the injection of test particles, demonstrate the efficiency of this mechanism
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