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Markus Roth, Wolfgang Zima, Aaron C. Birch, Laurent Gizon
We extend an existing Born approximation model for calculating the linear sensitivity of helioseismic
travel-times to flows from Cartesian to spherical geometry. This development is necessary to use the
Born approximation for inferring large-scale flows in the deep solar interior. Two consistency tests show
that results for our sensitivity kernels agree with reference values to within a few percent. Consequently,
we evaluate the impact of different data analysis filters on the kernels for a meridional travel-distance of
42 degrees. When mainly low-degree modes are used (roughly l < 70), the sensitivity is concentrated
in deeper regions and it visually best resembles a ray-path like structure, otherwise the sensitivity is
concentrated near the surface. Among the different low-degree filters used, we find the phase-speed
filtered kernel to be best localized at depth.