In the coming four years the governance structure for the European Solar Telescope (EST) needs to be defined. For this various governance models for multi-national collaborations need to be studied.
In this presentation I will define the important steps to arrive at the EST governance structure. These steps follow general principles to define organizational models. Furthermore, the requirements already defined by the EU in form of practical guidelines for defining the legal framework for a consortium operating such an infrastructure and the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures will be reviewed.
In the coming four years the governance structure for the European Solar Telescope (EST) needs to be defined. For this various governance models for multi-national collaborations need to be studied.
In this presentation I will define the important steps to arrive at the EST governance structure. These steps follow general principles to define organizational models. Furthermore, the requirements already defined by the EU in form of practical guidelines for defining the legal framework for a consortium operating such an infrastructure and the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures will be reviewed.
Future Synoptic Ground-based Network - Results of the SPRING Feasibility Study
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
These are the slides given on October 16, 2017 at the Splinter Meeting on Synoptic Observations.
This summarizes the results of the Work Package (WP) 80 of the EU FP7 activity Solarnet.