Fraunhofer IWM, Freiburg, Germany
Main category
Natural Sciences (Physics)
Alternative category
Engineering (Mechanical engineering)
The sequence shows an impacting body on a ductile target made of Al6061-T1. The impacting body is assumed to be ideally hard. The impact velocity is 45m/s and is tilted 51° from the horizontal axis. The spacing of the SPH particles is 50μm.
The depth of the crater is compared to the experimental results by Takaffoli & Papini (2012).
Further information
The geometric model is similar to the one used in the experiment and SPH simulations by Takaffoli & Papini (2012). The ductile material behavior is governed by the Johnson-Cook yield strength model. The strain rate dependency of the JC-model is corrected by the Cowper-Symonds relation accounting for high strain rates during the impact. For the removal of material, a failure criterion based on the Johnson-Cook model is applied.
The simulations were carried out using SimPARTIX.
Further reading
M. Takaffoli & M. Papini, Wear 274-275, 2012, p. 50-59; Fraunhofer funded project AbraSus: Final Report
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