Angles of repose observed in heap (de-)construction
Fraunhofer IWM, Freiburg, Germany
Main category
Natural Sciences (Physics)
In a Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation angles of repose are analyzed which reveal static properties of a granular material. The theoretical maximum angle is related to the internal angle of friction of the material, ϕ=arctan(T/N), where T is the maximum shear force the powder bulk can withstand when applying a normal force N. Two angles of repose, namely the outflow angle θO obtained by heap decomposition through slow outflow and the heap angle θH obtained by heap composition via pouring grains on top of a newly forming heap are measured. The simulation was carried out using SimPARTIX.
Further information
Further reading
C. Bierwisch, T. Kraft, H. Riedel, M. Moseler. Three-dimensional discrete element models for the granular statics and dynamics of powders in cavity filling. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57(1):10–31, 2009.
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