Discrete and finite element co-simulation
Fraunhofer IWM, Freiburg, Germany
Main category
Engineering (Mechanical engineering)
The possibility of coupling discrete element method (DEM) and finite element analysis (FEA) simulations is particularly attractive in order to model contact between granular matter and soft bodies. The coupling takes place at the surface of a body which is in contact with the granular material. The nodes of the surface mesh are shared by the DEM and the FEA code. The DEM code sends node forces to the FEA software which sends node displacements back in return. The displacement affects the granular material in contact which again causes changes of the node forces. The video shows a bulk of particles falling onto an elastic membrane which is clamped at the edges. The simulation was carried out using SimPARTIX, MpCCI and Abaqus.
Further information
Further reading
C. Dehning, C. Bierwisch, T. Kraft. Co-simulations of Discrete and Finite Element Codes. Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 100, 61–79, M. Griebel, M. A. Schweitzer (Eds.)
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