Tire traction
Fraunhofer IWM, Freiburg, Germany
Main category
Engineering (Mechanical engineering)
Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations can be used to model the traction of a tire on a granular ground. The DEM force laws can be parameterized in order to represent various types of grounds ranging from sand over mud to snow. In the video a strong cohesion is used to make the particles very sticky. A constant torque is applied on the tire which is initially at rest. The particles are color coded according to their velocity magnitude ranging from blue (zero velocity) to red (highest velocity). First, the tire accelerates. But then, the tire comes to rest again. The sticky granular material is compacted by the tire motion which causes a torque slowing down the rotation. Some granular material remains in the groves of the tire profile. The simulation was carried out using SimPARTIX.
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