University of Catania, Italy
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
The solar corona has been investigated in the last decades through observations coming from several spacecraft. The Metis coronagraph, aboard the ongoing Solar Orbiter mission, extends the UVCS/SOHO spectrocoronagraph observations of the scattered ultraviolet emission of the coronal plasma performed during solar activity cycle 23, by simultaneously imaging the coronal visible light polarized brightness (VL pB), in the spectral bandpass 580-640 nm, and the coronal ultraviolet H I Lyα emission, in the spectral window 121.6 ± 10 nm. We present here some specific observations, such as those taken on May 15, 2020, from which detailed information about the coronal outward velocity were inferred by applying the Doppler dimming technique. Read more at
Further reading
Link to the European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS) webpage:
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