Fragmented currents induced by nonlinear 3D flows and their potential for coronal heating | Dieter Nickeler
Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Many magnetic structures in the solar atmosphere evolve rather slowly so that they can be assumed as (quasi-)static or (quasi-)steady and represented via magneto-hydrostatic (MHS) or magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equilibria, respectively. While exact 3D solutions would be desired, they are extremely difficult to find in steady MHD. We construct solutions with magnetic and flow vector fields that have three components depending on all three coordinates. We show that the non-canonical transformation method produces quasi-3D solutions of steady MHD by mapping 2D or 2.5D MHS equilibria to strongly related steady-MHD states, displaying highly complex currents. Read more at
Further reading
Link to the European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS) webpage:
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