Spectral analysis of solar filaments using Convolutional-Neural Networks (CNNs) | Guillem Castelló i Barceló
University of the Balearic Islands - UIB, Spain
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Solar filaments (also called prominences when seen off-disk) are solar atmospheric structures consisting of dense, cool plasma clouds floating within the sun’s corona. Since the beginning of solar observations, it has been seen that the prominences oscillate with a wide variety of motions. These periodic motions are very common, but there are no systematic studies of these oscillations. It has recently been shown that spectral analysis of solar filaments is a powerful tool to identify oscillations in these structures. With this technique, the power spectral density (PSD) is calculated for each pixel of the Halpha images. To differentiate between a detection or a spurious oscillation, it is necessary to determine the background noise. Read more at https://espos.stream/2024/10/17/Castello/.
Further information
Further reading
Link to the European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS) webpage: https://espos.stream/2024/10/17/Castello/
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