Magneto-acoustic waves in magnetic flux tube
Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India; University of Sheffield, UK; New Mexico State Univ., USA.
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Temperature perturbations associated with the propagation of magneto-acoustic waves in a magnetic flux tube. Two scenarios of wave excitation, viz. granular buffeting and swirly motion are studied. Buffeting by granule are likely to generate strong slow and fast magneto-acoustic waves compared to swirly motions as evident from the temperature fluctuations seen in the case of horizontal excitation.
Further information
Convective flows sweeps magnetic flux towards intergranular lanes where they form strong flux tubes. While in the lane, these flux tubes are constantly buffeted by the surrounding granules, which excite waves in them (granular buffeting). The flux tube move towards the intersection of two or more granules where strong vortex motions also excites waves in them. We study these two scenarios of wave excitation in a magnetic flux tube using 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation. Visualizations were created using VAPOR (
Further reading
Vigeesh, G.; Fedun, V.; Hasan, S. S.; Erdélyi, R.; Three-dimensional simulations of magnetohydrodynamic waves in magnetized solar atmosphere, 2012, Astrophysical Journal, 755, 18.
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