Fly through the G328 Sector of the Galaxy showing Carbon Monoxide, Carbon and Atomic Hydrogen
University of New South Wales
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
The G328 sector of the Galaxy, showing the emission from three spiral arms in lines from carbon monoxide (12CO green and 13CO yellow; Mopra), carbon ([CI] red; HEAT Antarctica) and hydrogen (HI blue; Parkes/ATCA). The movie shows a 3D projection of the data cube, with the distance from the Sun obtained from the velocity axis of the cube. The other two axes are the Galactic longitude and latitude.
Further information
Renderings of the G328 data cubes for 115 GHz 12CO J=1-0 (green), 110 GHz 13CO J=1-0 (yellow), 809 GHz [CI] 2-1 (green) and 1.4 GHz HI (blue), as described in Burton et al. 2015. Galactic longitude and latitude are along the short axes, with velocity along the long axis (with the most negative velocities to left). The three principal arm crossings along the sight line can be distinguished: Norma near-, Norma far- and Scutum-Crux near-, going from left to right. The relative extent of the atomic and molecular gas can be gauged, with the atomic hydrogen enveloping both the carbon and carbon monoxide emitting-gas. Credit: Geoff Sims.
Further reading
Braiding, C. et al. 2015, Pub. Ast. Soc. Aust., 32, e20. (CO: Mopra)
Burton, M. et al. 2014, Astrophysical Journal, 782, 72. (CI: HEAT)
Burton, M. et al. 2015, Astrophysical Journal, submitted. (Composite)
McClure Griffiths, N. et al. 2005, ApJ Su
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