An estimate of chromospheric heating by acoustic waves - reloaded
Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Main category
Natural Sciences (Physics)
Alternative category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Several mechanisms may heat the solar chromosphere: acoustic waves, magnetoacoustic waves (slow, fast, and Alfven waves), and small-scale magnetic reconnections. Based on observations in the Ca II 854.2 nm line, the contribution of acoustic waves to the heating of quiet and plage regions in the chromosphere is discussed. The point is to compare the energy released by radiative losses with the energy deposited by acoustic waves. Radiative losses are computed using a grid of semi-empirical chromospheric models. The deposited acoustic flux is calculated using power spectra of Doppler oscillations measured in the Ca II line core. The comparison shows that the spatial correlation of maps of radiative losses and acoustic flux is 72 %. The deposited acoustic flux covers only 15 % of radiative losses in quiet chromosphere but 23 % in network and 54 % in plage areas. This estimate is a lower limit of the real acoustic energy flux.
Further information
Further reading
See the video "Chromospheric heating - Movie 1"
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