The low wave number amplitudes of the solar convective spectrum: why supergranulation
Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Discussion of the solar convective conundrum, why low wavenumber convective motions in both local area and global models of solar convection have much larger amplitudes than those inferred from observations, and its connection with the long standing puzzle of the origin of the solar supergranulation. Implications for modeling the near surface superadiabatic stratification of stellar convective envelopes.
Further reading
Lord, J.W., Cameron, R.H., Rast, M.P., Rempel, M., Roudier, T. 2014, ApJ 793, 24
Cossette, J.-F. and Rast, M.P. 2016, 829, L17
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