Statistical searches for low signal-to-noise helioseismic oscillations
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Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Low-frequency solar p modes have long lifetimes and, therefore, narrow peaks in frequencypower spectra. This allows their frequencies to be obtained very precisely, making them useful inputs for inversions of the solar interior. However, these low-frequency p modes have limited sensitivity to the solar core, which is still relatively poorly constrained. Mixed and gravity modes, on the other hand, are far more sensitive to core regions. Low-frequency p modes, mixed modes, and gravity modes are all difficult to detect because they have relatively small amplitudes and because they are swamped by solar noise from, for example, convection. We have developed statistical techniques to try and uncover these low signal-to-noise modes. We have then used these techniques to search for previously undetected low-frequency oscillations in BiSON and GONG data, considering the data sets both individually and contemporaneously. To uncover the modes we have developed both frequentist and Bayesian approaches. The developed techniques are very flexible and could be useful for asteroseismic studies as well as helioseismology.
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