The Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group - SPRING
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Large, high-resolution solar telescopes admit only a small field of view. However, context data showing the big picture of the dynamics and magnetism at different heights of the solar atmosphere are equally important to understand the Sun in general. Real-time information about the variation of surface velocity, magnetic field, and intensity at different solar layers is an essential input to fundamental solar physics and space weather prediction. There is a consensus that a worldwide distributed network of a suite of small, dedicated telescopes which observe the entire solar disk is needed to obtain these data on a continuous basis. In this talk, I will report about the current status of designing such a network SPRING which is currently developed under SOLARNET (High-resolution Solar Physics Network). The key scientific products of this facility will be arc-second resolution images of the Sun in various wavelengths, synoptic vector magnetic fields, synoptic surface velocity fields wit
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