A New Instrument for Synoptic Space Weather Observation
University of Rome Tor Vergata / Georgia State University / University of Rome Sapienza
Main category
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
We can deduce the magnetic and dynamic status of the Sun and its possible dependence on the magnetic cycle using continuous, multi-height observations of the solar atmosphere. Wwe describe the design and construction of a multi-nodal synoptic telescope network to observe the entire disk of the Sun. This network currently comprises of two instruments: the Tor Vergata Solar Synoptic Telescope (TSST) under construction at Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, to be mounted in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, and the Mojave Solar Observatory (MSO) located in Apple Valley California. This presentation focuses on the technical developments of the observatories themselves: the optical design of MOF-based telescopes, the mounting and enclosure of the TSST, the technological development of He-based MOFs, and the observing plan for the future of the multi-nodal network. Additionally, we present preliminary Doppler- and magnetogram observations from MSO.
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