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Astrophysics and Astrononmy
Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group Science Requirement Document
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
Frank Hill, Sanjay Gosain, Alexei Pevtsov, Rekha Jain, Michal Sobotka, Illaria Ermolli
This document is deliverable D80.1 of the Solarnet Work Package 80. It is the Science Requirement Document for SPRING - a new network of ground-based observatories for synoptic observations of the sun.
This document condesates the ideas of the four SPRING working groups:
1. Synoptic Magnetic Fields
2. Solar Seismology
3. Transient Events
4. Solar Awareness
Inversions for Deep Solar Meridional Flow Using Spherical Born Kernels
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
Markus Roth, Jason Jackiewicz, Shukur Kholikov
The solar meridional flow is a crucial ingredient in modern dynamo theory. Seismic estimates of
this flow have, however, been contradictory in deeper layers below about $0.9\,R_\odot$. Results from time-distance helioseismology have so far been obtained using the ray approximation. Here, we perform inversions using the Born approximation. The initial result is similar to the result previously obtained by Jackiewicz et al. (2015) using ray kernels while using the same set of GONG data and the SOLA inversion technique. However, we show that the assumption of uncorrelated measurements used in earlier studies may lead to inversion errors being underestimated by a factor of about two to four. In a second step, refined inversions are performed using the full covariance matrix and a regularization for cross-talk. As the results are found to depend on the threshold used in the singular value decomposition, they were obtained for a medium threshold ($10^{−7} − 10^{−5}$, about 50% of the values used) and a threshold lower by a factor of 10 (about 70% of the values used). The result obtained with the medium threshold is again similar to the original, with less latitudinal variation. However, using the lower threshold, the inverted flow in the southern hemisphere shows two or three cells stacked radially depending on the associated radial flows. Both the single-cell and the multi-cell profiles are consistent with the measured travel times. All our results confirm a shallow return flow at about $0.9\,R_\odot$.
How-To MLT_4
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Short How-To about how to call the MLT_ 4 recognition code.
The European Solar Telescope - Understanding Our Sun
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
SOLARNET - High Resolution Solar Physics Network
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Here you can download the EST Brochure.
Probing Magnetic Fields at the Base of the Solar Convection Zone with Meridional Flows
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Global helioseismic evidence for a deeply penetrating Solar meridional flow consisting of multiple flow cells
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Ariane Schad, Jens Timmer
We use a novel global helioseismic analysis method to infer the meridional flow in the deep Solar interior. The method is based on the perturbation of eigenfunctions of Solar p modes due to meridional flow. We apply this method to time series obtained from Dopplergrams measured by the Michelson Doppler Imager aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) covering the observation period 2004–2010. Our
results show evidence that the meridional flow reaches down to the base of the convection zone. The flow profile has a complex spatial structure consisting of multiple flow cells distributed in depth and latitude. Toward the Solar surface, our results are in good agreement with flow measurements from local helioseismology.
Design of a next generation synoptic solar observing network: solar physics research integrated network group (SPRING)
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
Sanjay Gosain, Frank Hill, Alexei Pevtsov, Valentin M. Pillet, Michael Thompson
Long-term synoptic observations of the Sun in different wavelength regions are essential to understand its secular behavior. Such observations have proven very important for discovery of 11 year solar activity cycle, 22 year magnetic cycle, polar eld reversals, Hale's polarity law, Joy's law, that helped Babcock and Leighton to propose famous solar dynamo model. In more recent decades, the societal impact of the secular changes in Sun's output has been felt in terms of solar inputs to terrestrial climate-change and space-weather hazards. Further, it has been realized that to better understand the activity phenomena such as flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
one needs synoptic observations in multiple spectral lines to enable tomographic inference of physical parameters.
Currently, there are both space and ground based synoptic observatories. However, given the requirements for the long-term stability and reliability of such synoptic datasets, ground-based facilities are more preferable.
Also, the ground based observatories are easy to maintain or upgrade while detailed and frequent calibrations are easily possible. The only ground-based facility that currently provides full-disk velocity and magnetic eld maps of the Sun around the clock and at good cadence, is the Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) network of National Solar Observatory (NSO) which is operational since the mid 90s. Due to its aging instrumentation, operating for nearly three decades, and new requirements to obtain multiwavelength observations, a need is felt in the solar community to build a next generation synoptic observatory network. A group of international observatories have come together under the auspices of SOLARNET program, funded by European Union (EU), to carryout a preliminary design study of such a synoptic solar observing facility called "SPRING", which stands for Solar Physics Research Integrated Network Group. In this article we will present concept of SPRING and the optical design concept of its major instruments.
Validation of Spherical Born Approximation Sensitivity Functions for Measuring Deep Solar Meridional Flow
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
Markus Roth, Jason Jackiewicz, and Shukur Kholikov
Accurate measurements of deep solar meridional flow are of vital interest for understanding the solar dynamo. In this paper, we validate a recently developed method for obtaining sensitivity functions (kernels) for travel-time measurements to solar interior flows using the Born approximation in spherical geometry, which is expected to be more accurate than the classical ray approximation. Furthermore, we develop a numerical approach to efficiently compute a large number of kernels based on the separability of the eigenfunctions into their horizontal and radial dependence. The validation is performed using a hydrodynamic simulation of linear wave propagation in the Sun, which includes a standard single-cell meridional flow profile. We show that, using the Born approximation, it is possible to accurately model observational quantities relevant for time–distance helioseismology such as the mean power spectrum, disk-averaged cross-covariance functions, and travel times in the presence of a flow field. In order to closely match the model to observations, we show that it is beneficial to use mode frequencies and damping rates that were extracted from the measured power spectrum. Furthermore, the contribution of the radial flow to the total travel time is found to reach 20% of the contribution of the horizontal flow at travel distances over 40°. Using the Born kernels and a 2D SOLA inversion of travel times, we can recover most features of the input meridional flow profile. The Born approximation is thus a promising method for inferring large-scale solar interior flows.
Stellar magnetic activity and variability of oscillation parameters - An investigation of 24 solar-like stars observed by Kepler
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Ariane Schad, Guy Davies, and Markus Roth
Context. The Sun and solar-like stars undergo activity cycles for which the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. The oscillations of the Sun are known to vary with its activity cycle and these changes provide diagnostics on the conditions below the photosphere. Kepler has detected oscillations in hundreds of solar-like stars but as of yet, no widespread detection of signatures of magnetic activity cycles in the oscillation parameters of these stars have been reported.
Aims. We analyse the photometric short cadence Kepler time series of a set of 24 solar-like stars, which were observed for at least 960 days each, with the aim to find signatures of stellar magnetic activity in the oscillation parameters.
Methods. We analyse the temporal evolution of oscillation parameters by measuring mode frequency shifts, changes in the height of the p-mode envelope, as well as granulation time scales.
Results. For 23 of the 24 investigated stars, we find significant frequency shifts in time. We present evidence for magnetic activity in six of them. We find that the amplitude of the frequency shifts decreases with stellar age and rotation period. For the most prominent example, KIC 8006161, we find that, similar to the solar case, frequency shifts are smallest for the lowest and largest for the highest p-mode frequencies.
Conclusions. These findings show that magnetic activity can be routinely observed in the oscillation parameters for solar-like stars, which opens up the possibility to place the solar activity cycle in the context of other stars by asteroseismology.
Sensitivity Kernels for Flows in Time-Distance Helioseismology: Extension to Spherical Geometry
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
Date of upload:
Markus Roth, Wolfgang Zima, Aaron C. Birch, Laurent Gizon
We extend an existing Born approximation method for calculating the linear sensitivity of helioseismic travel times to flows from Cartesian to spherical geometry. This development is necessary for using the Born approximation for inferring large-scale flows in the deep solar interior. In a first sanity check, we compare two f−mode kernels from our spherical method and from an existing Cartesian method. The horizontal and total integrals agree to within 0.3 %. As a second consistency test, we consider a uniformly rotating Sun and a travel distance of 42 degrees. The analytical travel-time difference agrees with the forward-modelled travel-time difference to within 2 %. In addition, we evaluate the impact of different choices of filter functions on the kernels for a meridional travel distance of 42 degrees. For all filters, the sensitivity is found to be distributed over a large fraction of the convection zone. We show that the kernels depend on the filter function employed in the data analysis process. If modes of higher harmonic degree (90≲l≲170) are permitted, a noisy pattern of a spatial scale corresponding to l≈260 appears near the surface. When mainly low-degree modes are used (l≲70), the sensitivity is concentrated in the deepest regions and it visually resembles a ray-path-like structure. Among the different low-degree filters used, we find the kernel for phase-speed filtered measurements to be best localized in depth.
Effects of Solar Magentic Fields on the Time-Distance Analysis of Solar Subsurface Merdional Flows
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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The Sun: a laboratory for stellar and plasma physics
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Community paper as part of the Denkschrift 2017 - Perspektiven der Astrophysik in Deutschland 2017 - 2030