Insitute for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, Porto, Portugal
For the last 30 years, since the meeting on Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars held in Cambridge, in 1985, the range of seismic data and associated science results obtained has far exceeded the expectations of the community. The continuous observation of the Sun has secured major advances in the understanding of the physics of the stellar interiors and has allowed us to build and prepare the tools to look at other stars. Several ground facilities and space missions have completed the picture by adding the necessary data to study stars across the HR diagram with a level of detail that was in no way foreseen in 1985.
In spite of the great science successes, astero- and helioseismic data still contain many secrets waiting to be uncovered. The opportunity to use the existing data and tools to clarify major questions of stellar physics (mixing, rotation, convection, and magnetic activity are just a few examples) still needs to be further explored. The combination of data from different instruments and for different targets also holds the promise that further advances are indeed imminent. At the same time we also need to prepare the future, as major space missions and ground facilities are being built in order to collect more and better data to expand and consolidate the detailed seismic view of the stellar population in our galaxy.
This conference aims at reviewing the major science achievements resulting from the extensive data collections available from space missions and ground facilities, as well as the tools the community has developed to study and explore those data. This will also include planning the asteroseismic activities of the TESS mission in preparation for its launch next year. The present view is fundamental to prepare the forthcoming facilities that will provide the data necessary to address challenging questions that have not yet been answered with the current data. The optimal way to achieve that should be one of the major outcomes of the conference which is expected to set a critical milestone for the astero- and helioseismology community to prepare the future.
The meeting will also cover major synergies with related fields, which benefit from a deeper understanding of the structure and evolution of the sun and stars across the HR diagram. These include topics covering the characterization of planet hosts, and their exoplanets, the description of stellar populations and impact on Galactic evolution, as well as star and planet formation and the early evolution of planetary systems. Also of major relevance is the driving of space weather in the solar system and other stellar systems and its impact on habitability, linking stellar evolution to the search for life.
Further information is available at:
Margarida S. Cunha (Co-Chair)
João M. T. S. Ferreira (Co-Chair)
Paulo Peixoto
Elsa Silva
Conny Aerts (Belgium)
Sarbani Basu (United States of America)
Timothy Bedding (Australia)
William Chaplin (United Kingdom)
Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard (Denmark, Co-Chair)
Margarida S. Cunha (Portugal)
João Miguel T.S. Ferreira (Portugal)
Rafael García (France)
Laurent Gizon (Germany)
Hans Kjeldsen (Denmark)
David W. Latham (United States of America)
Eric Michel (France)
Mário J.P.F.G. Monteiro (Portugal, Co-Chair)
Pere L. Pallé (Spain)
Ennio Poretti (Italy)
Markus Roth (Germany)
Laurent Eyer (University of Geneva, CH)
Gerald Handler (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, PL)
Yvonne Elsworth (University of Birmingham, UK)
Marie-Jo Goupil (Observatoire de Paris, FR)
Bjoern Loeptien (University of Goettingen, DE)
Dave Latham (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA)
Tiago Campante (University of Birmingham, UK)
Rafael Garcia (CEA Saclay, FR)
Warwick Ball (Institut für Astrophysik Göttingen, DE)
Jan Langfellner (Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, DE)
Tamara Rogers (Newcastle University, UK)
Rhita-Maria Ouazzani (Aarhus University, DK)
Anne-Marie Broomhall (University of Warwick, UK)
Kyle Augustson (CEA Saclay, FR)
Dennis Stello (University of Sydney, AU)
Vichi Antoci (Aarhus University, DK)
Konstanze Zwintz (University of Innsbruck, AT)
Jan-Torge Schindler (University of Arizona, US)
Santi Cassisi (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, IT)
Kevin Belkacem (Observatoire de Paris, FR)
Sebastien Deheuvels (Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie, FR)
Andrea Miglio (University of Birmingham, UK)
Cristina Chiappini (Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam, DE)
Andrew Tkachenko (KU Leuven, BE)
Andrej Prsa (Villanova University, USA)
For registration visit:
Below you can find a map containing the location of the recommended hotels, clicking the marker will display the relevant information for that particular hotel.
Note: Some hotels may require advance payment of part of your stay.
Travel information will follow
Session: S1. Opening Session
Session: S7. Physics: Rotation
Session: S3. Special Session: TASC & KASC
Session: S2. Space Missions & Data
Session: S13. Synergies: Planets
Session: S4. Special Session: SpaceInn & HELAS
Session: S6. Physics: Convection and Mode Behaviour
Session: S9. Seismology: Stars Near and in the Main Sequence
Session: S7. Physics: Rotation
Session: S8. Physics: Magnetic Field and Activity
Session: S10. Seismology: Stars Beyound the Main Sequence
Session: S8. Physics: Magnetic Field and Activity
Session: S9. Seismology: Stars Near and in the Main Sequence
Session: S8. Physics: Magnetic Field and Activity
Session: S9. Seismology: Stars Near and in the Main Sequence
Session: S9. Seismology: Stars Near and in the Main Sequence
Session: S8. Physics: Magnetic Field and Activity
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
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Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
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Session: S5b. Poster Session II
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Session: S5a. Poster Session I
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Session: S5b. Poster Session II
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Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S9. Seismology: Stars Near and in the Main Sequence
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
Session: S5a. Poster Session I
Session: S5b. Poster Session II
First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |