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Modeling of non-radially propagating halo CMEs and forecasting their arrival time at Earth | Angelos Valentino
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Jasmina Magdalenic (KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; Solar-Terrestrial Center of Excellence-SIDC, Royal Observatory of Belgium)
The prediction of geomagnetic storms is becoming more and more important, with the aim to take effective measures for avoiding the possible damage from the extreme events. One of the important parameters when modeling CMEs and CME-driven shocks, is their arrival time at Earth. We present a study of several halo CMEs with the propagation direction which significantly deviated from the Sun-Earth line and as a result, CMEs impacted Earth as flank-encounters. We modeled selected events with the default-setup of EUHFORIA and the Cone model for the CMEs. The aim of our study is to better understand the importance of the CME’s direction of propagation in the input parameters of the Cone model and improve the modeled arrival time at Earth. Read more at
Detection and in-depth analyses of quiet-Sun IRIS Bright Points | Llŷr Dafydd Humphries
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Observations of small-scale brightenings in the low solar atmosphere can provide valuable constraints on possible heating and heat transport mechanisms. We present a method for the detection and analysis of bright points (BPs), and demonstrate its application to time-series imagery of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) in the extreme ultraviolet. The method is based on spatio-temporal band-pass filtering, adaptive thresholding and centroid tracking, and records an event’s spatial position, duration, speed, total brightness, maximum brightness, and intrinsic brightness. Spatial area, brightness, and position are also recorded as functions of time throughout the event’s lifetime. Read more at
Automatic Identification and Tracking of Sunspots | Charlotte Proverbs
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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It is well understood that the dynamics of sunspots lead to energy being transferred to the solar atmosphere and stored in the coronal magnetic field. This provides a surplus of energy that may be released in solar eruptions. The driving mechanisms for this energy transfer may include sunspot rotations, both within individual sunspots and between sunspot pairs. Calculation of the rotations of individual sunspots have been carried out by several authors, but studies of the rotation of sunspot pairs has been less systematically investigated. Read more at
Spectral analysis of solar filaments using Convolutional-Neural Networks (CNNs) | Guillem Castelló i Barceló
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Manuel Luna, Jaume Terradas
Solar filaments (also called prominences when seen off-disk) are solar atmospheric structures consisting of dense, cool plasma clouds floating within the sun’s corona. Since the beginning of solar observations, it has been seen that the prominences oscillate with a wide variety of motions. These periodic motions are very common, but there are no systematic studies of these oscillations. It has recently been shown that spectral analysis of solar filaments is a powerful tool to identify oscillations in these structures. With this technique, the power spectral density (PSD) is calculated for each pixel of the Halpha images. To differentiate between a detection or a spurious oscillation, it is necessary to determine the background noise. Read more at
Quasi-periodic pulsations in stellar flares
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Chloe Pugh, Valery Nakariakov
Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) are a common feature of solar flares that are observed in many different wavelengths. Although QPPs appear not to be as abundant in white light Kepler flare light curves as they are in solar flares, albeit in different wavelengths the structure of the pulsations are strikingly similar, hinting that the same underlying processes govern both solar and stellar flares. Here we consider a special case, observed on KIC9655129, which shows evidence of multiple periodicities. We speculate that the presence of multiple periodicities is a good indication that the QPPs were caused by magnetohydrodynamic oscillations, further strengthening the case that the physical processes in operation during stellar flares are at least analogous to those in solar flares.
Accurate numerical solutions to the forward problem of local helioseismology
Natural Sciences (Mathematics)
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Michael Leguèbe, Damien Fournier, Aaron C. Birch, Laurent Gizon in Collaboration with Inria team Magique3D
We compute acoustic Green’s functions in an axisymmetric solar background model, which may include a meridional flow and differential rotation. The wave equation is solved in the frequency domain using a finite element solver. A transparent boundary condition for the waves is implemented in the chromosphere, which represents a great improvement in computational efficiency compared to implementations based on ’sponge layers’. We perform various convergence studies that demonstrate that wave travel times can be computed with an accuracy of 0.001 s. This high level of numerical accuracy is required to interpret travel times in the deep interior, and is achieved thanks to a refined mesh in the near surface layers and around the source of excitation. The wave solver presented here lays the ground for future iterative inversion methods for flows in the deep solar interior.
Observations of Red Giants with SONG
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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One of the outstanding and unforeseen results from the Kepler mission is our new insight and understanding of red giant stars. These highly evolved stars, which are in the last stages of their life, provide extremely useful information when trying to develop stellar evolutionary models. Furthermore, they show stochastically excited oscillations thus allowing to use asteroseismic techniques to derive conditions of the most internal layers. Bright giants stars are well suited to be studied with the 1m telescopes in the Stellar Observations Network Group project (SONG) using a high resolution echelle spectrograph performing high precision measurements of their the radial velocity. The prototype node- the Hertzsprung SONG telescope- was inaugurated in October 2014 and is located at the Teide Observatory on Tenerife and providing continuous and high quality observations since then, When selecting the best targets for SONG, a precision of 1-2 m/s per point is reachable using the iodine method and a number of red giants have been observed with the SONG telescope since scientific operation started. In this talk we present the first results of these specific campaigns for a few red giants in which eigenmodes have been identified and their global seismic parameters derived.
Comparison of damping mechanisms for transverse waves in coronal loops.
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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I. Arregui
Damping of transverse waves in different solar coronal structures is a commonly observed property and a source of information about coronal conditions. Although resonant damping seems to be the most accepted mechanism for damping of transverse waves, there are other possible mechanisms. We have carried out a Bayesian analysis comparing three different models which could explain the damping in coronal loops. Our results indicate that resonant absorption is the most probable mechanism for low ratios between damping time and wave period, while the wave leakage mechanism is the best candidate for high ratios. Nonetheless, the evidence for one model against another shows a strong dependence on the data errors.
Gas towards the Gamma­-ray-­Emitting Supernova Remnant W28 (and others)
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Gavin Rowell, Matthieu Renaud, Phoebe de Wilt, Fabien Voisin, Yasuo Fukui, Michael Burton, Andrew Walsh, Akiko Kawamura, Andrew Walsh, Akiko Kawamura, Felix Aharonian
We present the results of molecular spectral line observations towards Supernova Remnants such as W28, RX J1713.7-3946 and HESS J1731-347. These remnants exhibit TeV gamma-ray emission, beacons for the presence of enhanced populations of high energy particles. It follows that these objects may accelerate Galactic cosmic-ray protons via the diffusive shock mechanism, but knowledge of the environment local to such remnants is required to constrain such scenarios. The Mopra radio telescope is ideal for probing the interstellar environments of HESS gamma-ray sources through large-scale molecular line surveys. Mopra can be employed to hunt for dense gas-tracing CS and NH3 transitions to identify potential cosmic-ray target material, while simultaneously searching for shock-tracing SiO emission lines which can directly highlight shock-disrupted gas. Furthermore, spectral line width gives an insight into gas dynamics and Mopra is capable of measuring this at a ~1' resolution over degree-scale regions. We present results from recent 7 and 12mm surveys towards the above-mentioned TeV-emitting Supernova Remnants and discuss the implications for distance, the diffusion of cosmic-rays and the high energy gamma-ray spectrum.
Survival and activity of bacteria in air: Why do we care?
Natural Sciences (Biology)
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Kai Finster, Meilee Ling, Maher Sahyoun, Morten Dreyer, Stine Holm, Martin Rasmussen, Stephanie Pilgaard
The presentation deals with activity of airborne microbial cells and how this is important for expanding our understanding of habitability and biosignatures.
Field line helicity as a tool for coronal physics
Natural Sciences (Physics)
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G. Hornig, M.H. Page
What if there were a way to identify **where** the magnetic helicity is concentrated within a three- dimensional magnetic field? At first sight this question appears meaningless, since magnetic helicity is an integral over the whole volume of the magnetic field. But, in fact, it is possible to decompose this total helicity as an integral over individual "field line helicities" for each magnetic field line in the domain. All of these are ideal-invariant, topological quantities, and they allow us to quantify in a meaningful way how magnetic helicity is distributed within the domain. In this talk, I will show how this idea can be practically applied to typical extrapolations of the Sun's coronal magnetic field that are used in solar physics.
Development of instrumentation for solar observations at the Brazilian National Institute for Space
Natural Sciences (Physics)
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The solar electromagnetic and corpuscular emissions are strongly modulated by the evolution of the magnetic structure of the solar atmosphere, which is imprinted in the solar surface. The evolution of the magnetic structure leads to gradual changes in the solar activity (space climate) as well as violent events (space weather) that affect the whole Heliosphere. In particular, the solar output affects the ionized and neutral components of the Earth’s atmosphere that have a direct impact on human activities from agriculture to high-technological systems. The solar magnetism is driven by the energy transport from the inner layers to the solar atmosphere. Although systematic observations have revealed several features related to the evolution of solar activity, there is not a complete explanation of the physical processes that lead to solar activity cyclic variability and its long-term changes. Here we present a brief description of the development of a magnetograph and visible-light imager instrument to study the solar dynamo processes through observations of the solar surface magnetic field distribution. The instrument will provide measurements of the vector magnetic field and the line-of-sight velocity in the solar photosphere. As the magnetic field anchored at the solar surface produces most of the structures and energetic events in the upper solar atmosphere and significantly influences the Heliosphere, the development of this instrument plays an essential role in reaching the scientific goals of The Atmospheric and Space Science Coordination (CEA) at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). In particular, the INPE’s Space Weather program will benefit most from the development of this technology. Additionally, we expect that this project will be the starting point to establish a robust research program on Solar System Research at INPE. The proposed instrument has been designed to operate on the ground, but with a conceptual design flexible enough to be adapted to work on a balloon and space-based platforms. In this way, our main aim is acquiring know-how progressively to build state-of-art solar vector magnetograph and visible-light imagers for space-based platforms to contribute to the efforts of the solar-terrestrial physics community to address the main unanswered questions on how our nearby Star works.
The Science of EST
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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The Sun: a laboratory for stellar and plasma physics
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Community paper as part of the Denkschrift 2017 - Perspektiven der Astrophysik in Deutschland 2017 - 2030
Die ägyptischen Antiken im Karl-May-Museum
Humanities (Literature)
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Von seiner Orientreise 1899/1900 brachte Karl May eine Reihe von Gegenständen und Souvenirs mit. Diese verschenkte er entweder an Freunde und Bekannte oder er fügte damit der Ausstattung seiner Villa exotische Einrichtungsgegenstände hinzu. Zu seinen Mitbringseln gehören auch ein paar ägyptische Antiken, die in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt werden. Die Amulette in Form von Schutzgottheiten sowie ein Uschebti sind aus so genannter ägyptischer Fayence gefertigt. Der Skarabäus ist aus Speckstein (Steatit) geschnitten, die Figuren des Totengottes Osiris sind aus Bronze gegossen. Sie alle sind typische und in der altägyptischen Kultur häufige und beliebte Objekte gewesen.
Merhameh als Gütekraft
Humanities (Literature)
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Die im Sommer 1908 entstandene Novelle 'Merhameh' ist aufgrund ihrer konsequenten Komposition, der knappen und doch bildhaften Sprache sowie der fugenlosen Verschränkung mehrerer Leseebenen die letzte und wohl künstlerisch bedeutende kurze Erzählung Karl Mays. Die Modernität dieser konsequent pazifistischen Erzählung, in deren Handlung die früheren Helden Kara Ben Nemsi und Hadschi Halef Omar nur noch Statisten sind, besteht darin, dass May hier bis ins Detail Wirkungsmechanismen der gewaltfreien Interaktion literarisch gestaltet, die im 21. Jahrhundert zum Gegenstand sozialwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen wurden. So gibt es weitgehende Übereinstimmungen zwischen Mays Darstellung der schrittweisen und gewaltfreien Konfliktlösung und dem - ausgehend von praktisch wirkungsvollen Modellen aktiver Gewaltfreiheit (Gross-Mayr, Gandhi, de Ligt) entwickelten - 'Gütekraft'-Wirkungsmodell des Friedensforschers Martin Arnold, das 2011 publiziert wurde.
The European Solar Telescope - Understanding Our Sun
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Here you can download the EST Brochure.
Discharge coefficient for an inclined side weir crest using a constant energy approach
Engineering (Civil engineering)
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In this paper, the inclined side weir discharge coefficient was studied using a side weir with three different crest angles (θ = 4°, 8°, 12°) fixed either against and in the flow direction, and the results are compared with those from a horizontal side weir crest (θ = 0°). In total there were seven models. The results show that the De Marchi assumption of constant energy for all side weir crested angles is acceptable, and thus that the calculated weir discharge value can therefore be undertaken. An equation for the discharge coefficient was obtained for an inclined side weir, so the value of Cd for crest angle θ = 12° increased by 13.6% with respect to the value for θ = 8°, by 29% with respect to that for θ = 4°, and by 39% with respect to that for the horizontal case (θ = 0°), for a crest inclined against the flow direction, while when the crest was inclined in the flow direction all those values exceed, to 14.5%, 31.0%, and 40.7%, respectively. This means that the discharge increases with increasing side weir crest angle, so when we want uniformity in the flow direction and exceed discharge we need to make the side weir crest incline against the flow direction while when we want furthermore discharge we need to make the side weir crest incline in the flow direction.
Perception and Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Therapy and Diagnostics: A Population-Representative Survey
Medicine (Epidemiology, Medical Biometry, Medical Informatic)
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Entrepreneurship in Corporate Literature & Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Sized (SMEs) Literature and Phenomena in the Society
Social Sciences (Economics)
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Dessy Rutten, Tim Ganzeman, Bart Schellekens, Wessel Hijman, Jorg van der Burgt, Luuk van der Geest, Hidde Ceelen, Colin Tan, Khetab Mashhadi, Femke Janssen, Sam Niesten, Koen van Rixtel, Rick Bos, Amber Meijering
The Sun, the stars, and solar-stellar relations
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Freiburg, Germany
6th international workshop on solar and stellar magnetic fields
Natural Sciences (Physics)
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Bairisch-Kölldorf, Austria
Helicity Thinkshop 3
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Tokyo (Japan)
The Future of Work and Innovation in a Networked Society
Social Sciences (Economics)
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Technical University Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin (Germany)

Sun in Science and Society
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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The Meeting will take place at:




Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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High Resolution Solar Physics
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Univ.-Platz 5 8010 Graz, Austria


Solar-atmospheric-dynamics - From waves to instabilities and Jets
Natural Sciences (Astrophysics and Astrononmy)
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Gyula, Hungary

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